Thursday, June 11, 2015

Un Bon Petit Diable

The Countess of Ségur was a Russian-born French aristocrat who began writing children's books at the age of fifty-eight.  Several of her works were included in the Bibliothèque Rose, a collection of short novels for young people.  Un Bon Petit Diable, the story of a mischievous Scottish orphan, was published in 1865 and dedicated to the author's granddaughter.

This book was given to me around 1999.  It came from the library of the Alliance Française de San Francisco.  

(Rostopchine, Sophie) La Comtesse de Ségur. Un Bon Petit Diable. Tours, France: Maison Alfred Mame et Fils, 1932.
Illustrated by Marie-Madeleine Franc-Nohain.

This post is dedicated to Maël, for her fifth birthday.